
Friday Dec 08, 2017
CVoice_E19_Mindfulness for the Mainstream with Melissa Marks Garner
Friday Dec 08, 2017
Friday Dec 08, 2017
In episode 19 of The Collective Voice Podcast, Joy interviews Melissa Marks Garner. Melissa is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Yoga Teacher. She began her own meditation practice in 1997 and has been practicing ever since. She has had the great honor of receiving teaching and meditating in the presence of a number of spiritual teachers. Melissa began giving wellness workshops and meditation trainings in 2005. Over this time, she has lectured and provided meditation groups and individual sessions to hundreds of people. What's most fascinating about Melissa's work is that she packages the spirtual side of mindfulness and meditation in science-based content to facilitate buy-in from the most skeptical of audiences - and it works!
Listen in to learn about...
- What mindfulness/meditation is and why its so important in our fast-paced lives
- How to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, in short manageable bursts
- Books, apps, and other resources to expand our knowledge in this area
- FREE promotion offered on Melissa's website, especially for our listeners!
To learn more about Melissa and her work, visit: https://www.yourmindfuledge.com
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com.

Friday Jun 16, 2017
CVoice_E18_You CAN do this with Endurance Athlete Sabina Piras
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
In episode #18 of The Collective Voice, Natalie interviews Sabina Piras, a structural engineer by day and elite endurance athlete by early morning, evening, night and weekend.
Most recently, Sabina qualified for the 2016 Olympic trials for the marathon; was the 1st place American at the Paris marathon, and has qualified for the Ironman World Championships in Kona commencing this October.
Sabina talks Natalie through the transition from complaints about 1-mile (we've all been there) to running marathons and participating in Iron Man competitions. Listen on to learn about her infectious positive attitude as she recovered from injuries and personal setbacks. You'll unquestionably leave this episode contemplating how you can incorporate more discipline and resolve into your own life.
For those of us in our 30s, feeling overwhelmed by career conundrums, home ownership, marriage, and/or parenting, let Sabina's story transport you back to the confidence and invincibility you likely felt in your 20s. We encourage some of you to channel some of that into the present!
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com.

Saturday Jun 03, 2017
CVoice_E17_Pausing to Celebrate our Milestones
Saturday Jun 03, 2017
Saturday Jun 03, 2017
In episode #17 of The Collective Voice Podcast, Joy and Natalie push pause on podcast interviews to talk about three things:
- Their wishes - specifically for women - in 2017: Joy highlights the importance of setting boundaries, knowing what you value, recognizing that these needs evolve and focusing on self-care. Natalie discusses the importance of speaking up, stepping out and taking action.
- Podcast milestones - We recently have been syndicated through Live Lead Play and are well over 1000 downloads. We’ve featured 12 entrepreneurs - mostly women from Dallas who are inspiring us and our audience to take risks, say yes, and embrace our differences.
- Personal milestones - We talk about the continued growth of our side hustles. For Joy, this includes teaching executive education courses at SMU, consulting in the community, and collaborating on events such as My Forward Life Clarity Retreat. For Natalie, this includes celebrating the first birthday and 5000 visits to Small Town Leadership, joining the church choir, and wrapping up her Certified Professional Coach certification through iPEC.
References: Slowing Down: Unexpected Ways to Thrive as a Female Leader by Sherry Welsh
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com

Sunday Apr 23, 2017
CVoice_E16_Saying YES, AND with Improv Consultants Kayce Kuntz and Alex Null
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
Sunday Apr 23, 2017
In Episode 16 of The Collective Voice Podcast, Joy interviews Kayce Kuntz and Alex Null, talented owners and founders of “Improv to Improve,” a women-owned Improv and Teambuilding company. Kuntz and Null offer teambuilding workshops for individuals and groups of all sizes to build leadership, communication, and listening skills, allowing participants to gain confidence while enhancing their ability to be more effective communicators and public speakers.
We cover:
- What Improvisation (Improv) is and how it can positively impact individuals and groups
- How Improv to Improve works with and customizes workshops for its clients
- An actual Improv Demo, putting Joy on the hotseat
- Advice for building a "side hustle" like this one while maintaining a day job
- An upcoming workshop for individuals hosted by Improv to Improve on Saturday, April 29.
To learn more about Improv to Improve, visit: https://www.improvtoimprove.org or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/improvtoimprove/
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com

Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
CVoice_E15_Finding Clarity with Jasmin Brand and Bonus Guest Jenny Bair
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Tuesday Apr 11, 2017
Episode Overview
In episode 15 of The Collective Voice Podcast Joy interviews Jasmin Brand, a marketing and branding expert, with Darby James AND Jenny Bair, co-founder of Living Well Dallas, an integrative and functional wellness practice in Dallas. Jenny also wears MANY hats, life and marriage coach, health educator, functional wellness consultant and certified Aromatherapist, integrating essential oils into her coaching practice.
We asked Jasmin and Jenny to be part of today’s show to discuss their roles in and promote My Forward Life’s Clarity event, a movement and an innovative networking event to connect “fun and fearless Texas women” May 19-20.
There is no shortage of laughter, fun, and lighthearted girl power in this episode Enjoy!
Part I - Jasmin shares the story of My Forward Life, as an alternative to the typical women's networking events, now in its 5th year. She and Joy promote the Clarity Event in May and offer a sneak preview of the agenda
Part II - Jenny discusses how essential oils can enhance mood, health, vitality and what to expect in her session at the Clarity event.
Part III - Jasmin shares more about the amazing work she is doing to impact the city of Dallas and offers lessons learned in entrepreneurship and friendship.
To Register for Clarity, Learn about our Guests and the Hosts:
Register for the event here:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/clarity-retreat-tickets-33568453147?aff=eac2 and visit MyForwardLife.com to learn more about how Jasmin Brand is bringing smart, fun, professional Texas women together.
To check out Jenny Bair and her work with Essential Oils:https://www.mydoterra.com/befreejennybair and visit LivingWellDallas.com to learn more.
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com

Saturday Mar 18, 2017
CVoice_E14_Transformative Communication with Alison Freeman
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
Saturday Mar 18, 2017
We are continuing with the theme of communication in Episode 14 of the Collective Voice with guest, Alison Freeman. Alison is a highly experienced global, communications strategist, coach, and keynote presenter. She is the president of AlliComm, a global communications consultancy and coaching firm, where she helps successful business leaders become more powerful communicators by being strategic, succinct, engaged, empathetic and business driven. She states that “Good leaders MUST BE great communicators because it is part of the job.”
Following are some highlights of Joy’s engaging and entertaining interview with Alison:
- The importance of being the recipient of what Alison refers to as “fearless feedback” and the power in the self-awareness that arises out of observing yourself communicate, on video
- That we communicate visually, vocally, and verbally - According to communication researcher, Albert Mehrabian, 55% of how we perceive someone is based on what we see. 38% comes from how they use their voice. Only 7% of what people remember are the actual words they say! AND, they only remember what matters to them. Make the 7% matter, or the words you deliver as part of your messaging count!
- Being resilient in the face of life’s challenges and then letting go of the “not knowing”
Learn more about Alison Freeman and her work, visit www.AliComm.co, her YouTube Channel and 5 minute videos, Access Alison, or follow her on Twitter at the handle AccessAli, or via LinkedIn.
Please submit a review of our podcast on iTunes at thecollectivevoice.us to help us build our following! Here's how: youtube.com/watch?v=B6H64xDckME&t=31s
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com

Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
CVoice_E13_Communicating Image with Impact with Cathrine Hatcher
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Welcome to our first episode of 2017. In this episode of the Collective Voice, Joy interviews Cathrine Hatcher, a Professional Speaker, an Image Communications Expert and President of Persōnas Image Dynamics. Cathrine has worked with everyone from TV stars to Fortune 500 executives to improve their outward appearance, inner presence, and the ability to communicate effectively by aligning the non-verbal messages they project with their verbal messages.
In the interview, Cathrine introduces:
- The importance of and psychology behind the colors of our wardrobe choices, especially the color blue!
- How the inner confidence we project impacts the impression we leave on our audience
- Common image-related challenges and remedies, with several specific to women
- Preparing our wardrobe with intention based on planned interactions
Thanks for joining us.
To learn more about Cathrine, visit:personasid.com or email cathrine@personas.id.com. Cathrine's book and her wardrobe psychology color card are available through her website. You can also connect to her on Facebook.
Please submit a review of our podcast on iTunes at thecollectivevoice.us to help us build our following! Here's how: youtube.com/watch?v=B6H64xDckME&t=31s
Connect with Joy at joyschwartz.com and Natalie at smalltownleadership.com

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
CVoice_E12_Reflection on Coach Training and 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
In this brief and final episode of The Collective Voice in 2016, Natalie and Joy reflect on insights from a recent professional coaching training they attended together and a successful first year of podcasting.
They discuss:
- Identifying your values and assessing whether you are living according to those values.
- Revisiting old rules and establishing new rules to guide our thoughts and behaviors.
- Engaging in a mindset shift focused on "the long game" and the "infinite." Everything in life is a continuous process and journey.
- Finding like-minded friends as sources of extrinsic motivation.
Special thanks to all of our friends, family, and loyal listeners for supporting us in this new venture. We look forward to learning from and sharing with you in 2017. Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
Joy and Natalie
Sources: iPEC: www.ipeccoaching.com; Natalie's "AH HA Moment" Blog post: http://smalltownleadership.com/longgame; Career Values Online Card Sort Joy mentions in the episode: http://www.careerplanner.com/Knowdell-Career-Values-CardSort.cfm
Please submit a review of our podcast on iTunes at http://www.thecollectivevoice.us to help us build our following! Here's how: http://www.imore.com/how-rate-or-review-podcast-your-iphone-or-ipad
Connect with Joy at http://www.joyschwartz.com and Natalie at http://smalltownleadership.com

Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
CVoice_E11_Serious About Health with Betty Murray
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
Wednesday Oct 19, 2016
- Have ever been curious about how to achieve sustainable health without medications?
- Maybe you desire a greater mind-mody-spirit connection for you, but don't know where to start?
- Or you just wanted to know about some small changes you can make in your life to feel better?
- Beyond health, have you dreamed about starting your own business?
If any of these questions resonate, then this episiode of the Collective Voice is unquestionably for you. Our guest is Betty Murray, cofounder of the integrative and functional wellness Center, LivingWell Dallas. Functional medicine is all about addressing the underlying causes versus treating the symptoms of what ails us. Murray is one of 300 certified functional medicine practitioners in the US and we were fortunate enough to have her on our show this week.
In this episode we discuss…
- The connection between mental, spiritual,and digestive health
- The unfortunate realities of the modern US food system and conventional medicine, and what you can do about it
- Betty's amazing journey of transitioning from a high-powered corporate job to a whole new career
- As a bonus, Joy discusses her own experience on the path toward sustainable health and her connection to Living Well Dallas
We also comment on Murray’s book, Cleanse: Detox your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
To learn more about Betty and Living Well Dallas, visit the practice website or Betty Murray.com. To find functional medicine/wellness practitioners in your area the Institute for Functional Medicine Practitioner Directory.

Sunday Sep 04, 2016
CVoice_E10_Exploring Life and Career Transitions with Alise Cortez
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Sunday Sep 04, 2016
Joy interviews Alise Cortez in this episode, during which they explore Alise's multiple identities; instructor, facilitator, lifelong learner, radio show host, consultant, entrepreneur, and world traveler.
- Lessons learned from an upbringing in a small town from entrepreneurial parents
- Getting fired at age 19 by a boss who knew she was destined for bigger things
- Demonstrating vulnerability to thrive after a divorce
- Starting her own company
- Hosting a weekly radio show
- On-ramping back into the the corporate workforce
- Be open to the experiences that come our way. Sometimes it is difficult to see where each individual stepping stone on our path may lead, but it's important to remember that we can pursue multiple paths on our journey.
- When undergoing transitions, we need to be selective about who we socialize with. Alice suggests that we go find a tribe of people who are going after what they want and succeeding at it - i.e., people who inspire us to go after what we want rather than remaining stuck where we are.
- Pursuing fulfilling lives and careers takes energy and courage. It won't come easily and it takes work.